发布时间:2018-11-01   浏览次数:157

报告题目:Fire simulation from model development to practical applications

报告时间:201811 2(周五)  9:00

报告地点:土木与水利工程学院 515






温晓玲,英国华威大学工程系教授,博导,火灾和爆炸研究领域的世界知名专家。在火灾、气体爆炸、二氧化碳输送安全、氢安全等方面的研究取得了突出的研究成果,且成果受国际同行高度评价,被政府机构及英美多家跨国公司采用。发表近 200篇高水平学术论文,其中包括本领域国际顶级学术刊物 Combustion and Flame, Combustion Science and Technology, Fire Safety Journal, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Numerical Heat Transfer, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industry 等。近五年,Jennifer Wen承担科研课题多项,总经费4000多万元。还13次受邀作国际会议大会报告,6次特邀报告。被国际同行引用数百次。现任英国爆炸协会指导委员会委员、国际氢安全指导委员会委员、燃烧和火灾动力学国际会议科学委员会委员、乙炔气瓶灾后评估特别咨询专家组成员、国际氢安全科学委员会委员、国际火灾安全协会会员、爆炸动力学和反应系统国际会议科学委员会委员、国际氢能源期刊安全特刊首席编辑、中国科学技术大学《火灾科学》杂志编委、英国工程及物理科学基金会评委专家、欧盟基金会评委专家、比利时/卡塔尔/塞浦路斯/香港和德国基金会评委专家、美国能源部优异审查和同行评价特邀专家。曾任清华、香港城市大学及英国阿尔斯特大学客座教授,现任大连理工大学、武警学院客座教授。




The presentation will include highlights from a decade’s effort of my group on the development and application of FireFOAM, the large eddy simulation (LES) based solver within the frame of open source computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code OpenFOAM. It will start with our effort to enhance the combustion, soot and radiation sub-models in FireFOAM as well as the rationale for such development and the extensive validation studies carried out.

The above will be followed by the applications in which we used the validated FireFOAM code to carry out numerical investigations of liquid and LNG pool fires including coupled prediction of mass burning rate and flame heat feedback for liquid pool fires, flame spread, mechanically ventilated compartment fires and the fire impingement on hydrogen cylinders.